For the past 130 years, Switzerland’s West End Watch Company has provided hardwearing and practical watches all over the world. All the watches are carefully assembled and thoroughly tested in our factory Leytron, in the heart of the Swiss Alps.


The company Alcide Droz & Sons established in St-Imier Switzerland since 1864 develops the first attested waterproof watch called L’Imperméable – visible nowadays at the International Watch Museum of La Chaux-de- Fonds Switzerland.

The first West End Watches are produced by Alcide Droz & Sons and distributed in the Indian market.

The West End Watch Company was set up to export Swiss watches to India. It had offices in Switzerland, Bombay and Calcutta. The company still exists, supplying Swiss watches to India, the middle east and China.

The Classics

West End worldwide

Delivering West End watches has never been just a routine ! For instance, when the lowest roads of the Himalayas are unsuitable for motor vehicles, deliveries don’t stop and are carried along on the back of yaks!